16 Nov 2023
An information tour to the industrial fields of "Təmiz Şəhər" was organized for over 20 international students from more than 10 higher education institutions studying in Azerbaijan.

In order to ensure the social activity of foreign students, and at the same time, to get acquainted with the measures taken to protect the environment on a national scale, an information tour to the industrial fields of "Təmiz Şəhər" was organized for over 20 international students from more than 10 higher education institutions studying in Azerbaijan.

“Təmiz Şəhər” industrial company is one of the main means to develop reproduction in the country within the framework of the "2011-2013 State Program on the Socio-Economic Development of Baku City and its Settlements" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated May 4, 2011. The main goal in creating this park is to create favorable conditions for potential entrepreneurs and investors interested in the field of reproduction.

International students with the guidance of representatives of “Təmiz Şəhər” were introduced with the process of waste sorting and sending to recycling facilities at the “Balakhani Solid Waste Sorting Plant” , the recycling process and burning of solid household waste.

At the end, the questions of interest to the students were answered by the representatives and memory photos were taken.